Springdale OotM Booster Club
Critical Dates
Click on an event for more information.
Our regular monthly business meeting is held on the 3rd Monday of the month. These meetings can be held in-person with social distancing in place or via Zoom. A link for this meeting will be placed on our calendar.
We are accepting 2020-2021 participation fees. This $25 fee is helps offset the cost of our yearly expenses; such as materials for fundraising, spontaneous events, event insurance to name a few. Your payment can be mailed to our PO Box 6956, Springdale, AR 72766-6956 or given to your coach. Deadline for this fee is October 20, 2020.
If you have any questions please contact a board member at springdaleomboosterclub@gmail.com.
Regional Tournament - Virtual
February 27, 2021​
State Tournament - Virtual
April 10, 2021
World Finals
May 26-29, 2021
Michigan State University
Lansing, MI​